in control of

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in control of

更新时间:2024-06-25 01:22:25

英 [in kənˈtrəul ɔv]

美 [ɪn kənˈtrol ʌv]

in control of基本解释

控制; 掌握; 管理


  • 网络解释

1. 控制, 管理, 掌握:cut a rug [美俚] 跳摇摆舞 | in control of 控制, 管理, 掌握 | solar granulation [天]太阳米粒组织

2. in control of

2. 控制:in contrast 相反 | in control of 控制 | in control 在控制之下


3. 控制着;掌管着:594in addition to除...之外(还) | 595in control of控制着;掌管着 | 596in line with与......一致,符合,按照

4. 控制着:in contact with 与...接触 | in control of 控制着 | in detail 详细地

  • 临近词
The ethical message here is that humans are in control of their destiny and the action of every individual affects and influences the fate of society.(这道德上信息就是人类主宰着自己的命运,每个个体所作的行为都会影响整个社会的命运。)
In the last three years I realized that I am the only one in control of myself.(在最后的三年时间里,我认识到我是我自己唯一的主宰者。)
I could be in control of something.(我还能够管理某些事情。)
You could feel that you are not in control of your life.(你会觉得无法控制自己的生活。)
Feeling in control of your life will boost feelings of happiness.(掌控自己的生活的感觉会进一步推动你的幸福感。)
Nobody knows who is in control of the club.(没有人知道谁掌管这个俱乐部。)
Are you in control of your singleness, or is your singleness in control of you?(是你控制你的光棍地位,还是你的光棍地位控制你?)
Happy people tend to believe they're more in control of their lives.(快乐的人总会认为他们更会控制自己的生活。)
He wants to be in control of his own destiny.(他想要掌握自己的命运。)
Even under the worst of circumstances, we believe we are in control of our lives.(即使在最坏的情况下,我们也相信我们能掌控自己的生活。)
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